IMTJ Medical Travel Awards


The IMTJ Medical Travel Awards 2014 celebrate the very best in innovation, improvement and excellence in the medical travel, medical tourism and health tourism industry.Based on the rigorous assessment of an independent panel of medical travel experts, the inaugural Awards will be presented before an audience of global medical travel and tourism leaders in Dubai on 5th March 2014.The awards programme has been created by Intuition Communication, the publisher of International Medical Travel Journal (IMTJ). A year of work has gone into researching the expectations of entrants, establishing the ambitions of sponsors, and using the editorial expertise of the International Medical Travel Journal to define categories that recognise outstanding achievement by international healthcare providers, agencies, destinations and individuals.IMTJ is proud to be the official journal partner of IMTEC, the leading international medical travel exhibition and conference, and is delighted to announce that the awards ceremony will take place during IMTEC 2014 at a gala reception sponsored by Dubai Convention Bureau.

Now is your chance to get involved

  • Review the categories so that you can prepare your entries, which must be submitted to the judges no later than December 31, 2013
  • Please read through the How to Enter page, as it contains useful advice for you
  • Support the awards as a sponsor and benefit from all the beneficial brand exposure that can bring to your organisation
  • Plan your days at IMTEC to include attendance at the gala reception and the IMTJ Awards ceremony on 5th March 2014.

The winners and finalists of the IMTJ Medical Travel Awards will receive independent recognition that they are among the global leaders in medical tourism.The opportunity to be part of this new, objective, international initiative is right now. Start to plan your entries as soon as you can. Take time to read the category criteria before you write your submission document, which must accompany your entry form. There is useful advice on how to enter here, but if entry writing is not your strength, we can even assist with that by directing you to the independent awards entry writing experts Boost Marketing who have been instrumental in securing over 400 wins for their clients.Good luck with your entries and we look forward to seeing you in Dubai and perhaps even on the winner’s platform!

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New global council is formed to support, represent and promote the growing health travel and medical tourism sector. The new initiative was launched with the statement, “Our long-term vision is to become a standard setting organization for the promotion and delivery of healthcare services to all global citizens.”

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