Ahmet Savaşan explained “How to Develop Health Tourism” to 25 countries

Ahmet Savaşan explained “How to Develop Health Tourism” to 25 countries

Speaking at the international organization held in Antalya with the participation of twenty-five thousand tourism professionals from thirty-five countries, President of the Global Healthcare Travel Council and TRNC Deputy Dr. Ahmet Savaşan pointed out that Health Tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors, with its worldwide volume exceeding 500 billion dollars, and pointed out that Health Tourism has become an attractive and alternative field for all countries.

Within the scope of the international Antalya Tourism Fair, which brought together twenty-five thousand tourism professionals and over six hundred brands from thirty-five countries, the panels were held with the participation of expert speakers and many important topics such as “How to Develop Health Tourism”, “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Tourism”, “Destination and Crisis Management”, “Digital Guest Experience In Hotels” were discussed.

Legal framework, Infrastructure and Accreditation are of decisive importance….
Speaking at the panel “How to Develop Health Tourism?”, President of the Global Healthcare Travel Council and TRNC Deputy Dr. Ahmet Savaşan, made statements on the development of health tourism and said; “Infrastructure Development” to increase the number, quality and capacity of institutions providing health services, dissemination of “Accreditation and Certification” to increase the training and competence of employees in the Health Tourism sector, “Competitive Pricing” and “Determination of the Legal Framework and Clarification of Legislation” must be ensured in order to be preferred and to increase demand in health services. Also, in order to increase demand, it is vital to “Carry out Promotion and Marketing Activities” in target countries based on accurate and up-to-date information and to “Provide Quality Accommodation Facilities with Air Transportation” to ensure most suitable conditions for health tourists.”

Health Tourism includes 8 tabs…
In his speech, Ahmet Savaşan also spoke about Global Healthcare Travel Council, a multinational organization with 56 countries that provides leadership and support to the sector in advancing health tourism policies internationally, advocating health tourism, and promoting health tourism as a driving force towards economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability. He pointed out that the Global Healthcare Travel Council (www.globalhtc.org) accepted that Health Tourism covers eight segments at the Global Healthcare Travel Forum held in 2017. Dr. Savaşan said that these eight segments have been determined as Medical, Dental, Spa and Thermal, Wellness, Gastronomy and Health Nutrition, Sports Tourism, Barrier-Free, Advanced Active Life Tourism, which will include restoring health as well as protecting and improving health.

Previous Dr. Ahmet Savaşan Represented TRNC And GHTC In Pristina

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New global council is formed to support, represent and promote the growing health travel and medical tourism sector. The new initiative was launched with the statement, “Our long-term vision is to become a standard setting organization for the promotion and delivery of healthcare services to all global citizens.”

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