The Importance Of Exercise For Healthy Aging
The world’s population is aging and since physical inactivity and other components of cardiometabolic syndrome (CMS) (ie, central obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and dyslipidemia) are frequent in older population, this may contribute to the growing prevelance of CMS. Older adults are higer risk for developing immobility during aging. A state of chronic inflammation has been proposed to be origin of sarcopenia and reduced exercise capactity in elderly. Therefore, personal exercise programs are essential in order to reduce and treat the complications of these patients. It is very important to ensure the continuity of functional gains and exercise participation achieved through various activities in the elderly. However, older people face various personal, socioeconomic and environmental barriers to exercise. Most elderly people lack confidence and motivation to participate in exercise. They are worried about injury and complications during exercise. To increase participation in physical activities, the elderly should be informed that exercise is a safe method. It should be explained that exercises can be personalized according to everyone’s wishes. The elderly and the physiotherapist should work together to create a program and achieve individual treatment goals. The patient should understand the treatment goals well. When drawing up the treatment plan, the physiotherapist should take into account the patient’s desires, abilities, willingness, cultural background and comorbidities