The 12th Dubai World Health Tourism Congress

The 12th Dubai World Health Tourism Congress

This premier event offers healthcare providers from around the world the chance to create business opportunities and form partnerships with the largest corporate healthcare buyers in the world.

Welcome to “The 12 thDubai World Health Tourism Congress”, 2018

This premier event offers healthcare providers from around the world the chance to create business opportunities and form partnerships with the largest corporate healthcare buyers in the world.

The format of the event is much more exclusive than any other health tourism event in the Health Care Tourism industry.
The Dubai WHTC is the first and ONLY event focused on bringing corporate purchasers of healthcare together with world class medical providers. The Congress hosts the final decision makers of health authorities and key players in the Health Tourism Industry and offers a unique B2B format adapted to your Prospecting Strategy.

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New global council is formed to support, represent and promote the growing health travel and medical tourism sector. The new initiative was launched with the statement, “Our long-term vision is to become a standard setting organization for the promotion and delivery of healthcare services to all global citizens.”

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