The First Medical Travel Exhibition and Conference MTEC.KIEV 2013 was succesfully held!

The First Medical Travel Exhibition and Conference MTEC.KIEV 2013 was succesfully held!

The First Medical Travel Exhibition and Conference MTEC.KIEV 2013 was  succesfully  held!

From 22 to 25 of October 2013 the capital of Ukraine became the center of attention of the world community in the sphere of medical and healthcare tourism.

The first professional event of Global Healthcare Travel Council on the CIS-territory united more than 50 companies from 12 countries – Austria, Hungary, Germany, Greece, India, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Ukraine and Switzerland.MTEC.Kiev – Medical Travel Exhibition and Conference. Kiev – the first and unique format event that gave opportunities to meet at same time at same place specialists of medical sphere and travel industry by joining the biggest events in medical sector– 22-th International exhibition “Public Health 2013” and 20th Anniversary International Tourism Exhibition “Ukraine-2013” – UITM 2013.Organizer – Premier Expo (ITE Group Plc). Coorganizer – Global Healthcare Travel Council (GHTC). Supported by: Turkish Healthcare Travel Council (THTC), Ukrainian Healthcare Travel Council and Association of Physicians in Medical Tourism.Among the guests of the official opening ceremony were extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of Republic Turkey in Ukraine, Mr. Mehmet Samsar, and founding chairman of Global Healthcare Travel Council, Mr. Emin Cakmak. As honored guests, representatives of the Embassies of Finland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Cuba, Argentina, Malaysia, Uzbekistan and Libya attended the exhibition.Among the exhibition space of «Public Health», which reached 13 000 sq.m., more than 2 000 sq.m. were occupied by the exposition of MTEC.Kiev 2013. Among the exhibitors – general clinics, rehabilitation and healthcare centers, clinics of plastic surgery and reproductive medicine, aesthetic medical centers and healthcare resorts, representatives of the Ukrainian healthcare and medical tourism branch, as well as operators of outbound medical tourism.MTEC.Kiev is the first project that contributes to the positioning of Ukraine as a destination for medical tourism. This year Ukraine joined the Global Healthcare Travel Council GHTC and is represented now by Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism UAMT that will allow Ukrainian clinics to declare itself with price-quality parameters on the global level and reach a decent position on the global medical tourism market.

 Business program

Holding of the exhibition was accompanied by business meetings for the participants in the framework of B-2-B VIP Hosted Buyers Program that became the distinguishing feature of MTEC.Kiev. Absolutely all exhibitors of MTEC.Kiev took part in B2B Program. This program is the integration of international experience of conducting exhibitions and conferences and guarantee of result and effectiveness of participation for exhibitors.The program began its work for Turkish representatives of the healthcare sector on 21 of October at the hotel «Fairmont Grand Hotel». The official ceremony was followed by a greeting from the honored guests from the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Ukraine: the Consul of the Republic of Turkey – Mr. Evren Muderrisoglu, as well as the general director of «Turkish Airlines» – Mr. Hakan Yilmaz. The evening ended with a wonderful gala dinner for all participants of VIP Hosted Buyers Program and the award ceremony for partners of the Global Healthcare Travel Council GHTC.On October, 22-25, participants continued their work directly at the exhibition. On the invitation of the organizers for negotiating and signing agreements on cooperation and development of medical tourism destinations with clinics-exhibitors, 88 delegates from 11 Russian-speaking countries arrived: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The delegates of VIP Hosted BuyersProgram are professionals and industry experts – medical tourism operators, travel agencies and doctors. In the framework of VIP Hosted Buyers Program was held more than 2,500 meetings that will undoubtedly entail a strengthening of international cooperation in the field of medical tourism and will be a powerful impetus for the development of the industry.

Scientific-practical program

October, 23-24, the First International Medical Travel Congress “The latest development of Medical Tourism Worldwide. The CIS Countries in global medical travel.  Experience exchange” was held, which organically complements the work of the exhibition with its new format. Organizer – Global Healthcare Travel Council GHTC. Within 2 days the Congress involved more than 500 participants from 15 countries and more than 50 speakers from 9 countries of the world. The greeting speech was delivered by the honorary guest of the Congress – Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, Head of the organizing committee of «National Medical Award» – Mr. Ivan Soroka.In the plenary session on 23 of October took part the leading specialists in the field of medical tourism, representatives of foreign clinics, public authorities and specialized associations. One of the keynotes speakers was Maria Todd, founder of The Mercury Healthcare Companies, expert on the issues of management in the sphere of healthcare, business development, integration of medical institutions and medical tourism, who kindly shared her experience with Congress attendees. In the work of the Congress took part representatives of Turkey, India, Ukraine, USA, Latvia, Hungary, Greece, Georgia and Germany.Among the speakers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Celik – specialist on metabolic surgery (Turkey), Dr. Navneet Malhotra – Vice-President of Medanta – The Medicity (India), MD. MBA. Violetta Yanyshevskaya – President of Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism (Ukraine), Gunta Uspele – Manager of Tourism and Foreign Affairs Department of Jurmala City Council (Latvia), Prof. Valentina Poberskaya – the Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Ukraine), Dr. Agnes Fenyi Feketene – Senior Counselor of the Ministry for National Economy of Republic Hungary, Victoria Mintser – President of Association of Physycians in Medical Tourism (Ukraine), Ioannis Androutsos – Financial Planning Manager of IASO S.A. (Greece),  Anastasia Pusiy – representative of “EUROEYES Clinic” (Germany), Dr. Paata Ratiani – General Manager of “MedtourGeorgia” (Georgia), Julia Khomych – CIS Countries Network offices Director of Turkish Healthcare Travel Council. Also at the meeting took part Founding Chairman of Global Healthcare Travel Council – Mr. Emin Cakmak.Section 1. Specialization: «Oncology», bringing together about 70 doctors-specialists, was devoted to the tendencies of development of oncology diseases treatment in Ukraine in the context of medical tourism. Leading experts from specialized clinics LISOD, INNOVATION, Cyber clinic of Spizhenko, companies «Medmarketing» and «Medconsulting» were among section speakers. The report was also made by Violetta Yanyshevskaya – President of Ukrainian Association of Medical Tourism.In the framework of the section a master class on robotic surgery with the «Da Vinci» technology was performed by special guests of the event – professors of Education and Research hospital «Bagcilar». According to specialists, this is a breakthrough technology in the field of surgical technique, as this robot allows conducting the most complicated surgical interventions on minimally-invasive level.Section 2. Specialization: “Rehabilitation”. Session topic: «Modern Medical Rehabilitation», where leading specialists from Turkey and Ukraine discussed issues of balneology, balneotherapy and rehabilitation. The session moderator, Valentina Poberskaya, Professor of the Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Topics of Ukrainian reports covered the issues of usage of Ukrainian natural medicinal resources in the rehabilitation: balneomud resorts, mineral waters, experience of departmental rehabilitation centers, rehabilitation of children with oncologic diseases and patients with stimulants addiction. Turkish colleagues presented the tendencies of development of thermal tourism and physiotherapy, as well as tourism for elderly people. The round-table about medical tourism developments was moderated by Head Physiotherapist City of Kiev and region – Dr. Sergey Buchinskii.Section 3. Specialization: «Reproductive medicine». The main issues discussed in this section – medical and legal aspects of the reproductive medicine development in Ukraine under the prism of medical tourism. Session moderator – Igor Torskiy, Vice-President of Ukrainian Association of medical tourism. Presentations were made by leading specialists of clinics «Mother and child», VICTORIA, medical company «ilaya» and other. Legal aspects were presented by specialists of the company «IRTSA», “Center of medical and pharmaceutical law”, Panamedical Group (UK), business school MIM and other.In General, the new format of MTEC.Kiev Congress allowed all the exhibitors and industry professionals to find new business partners, exchange professional experience, improve their skills and get acquainted with the tendencies of development of the medical tourism sphere.According to the Founding Chairman of Global Healthcare Travel Council GHTC, Mr. Emin Cakmak, the main task regarding the development of medical tourism sector at this stage is «to create new ways of providing equal and quality health services to the world». And now it can be rightly said that the exhibition MTEC.Kiev 2013 became a significant step towards achieving this goal.

Continuing to serve this noble mission, we invite You to join us!

The place of medical tourism professionals meeting in the autumn – MTEC.Kiev – 2014!

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New global council is formed to support, represent and promote the growing health travel and medical tourism sector. The new initiative was launched with the statement, “Our long-term vision is to become a standard setting organization for the promotion and delivery of healthcare services to all global citizens.”

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